SaferProducts Website to Help Consumers Discover Harmful Products and Lurking Serious Injuries

SaferProducts Website to Help Consumers Discover Harmful Products and Lurking Serious Injuries
Consumers can get ahead of the curve starting in March when the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission officially launches its website. Anyone will be able to see which consumer products are unsafe or potentially hazardous. Manufacturers, importers, and private labelers will have incident reports and post responses to safety issues.
“The CPSC is charged with ensuring the safety of consumer products,” said Robert Alston, Tampa serious injury attorney. “The new website is another great tool to inform consumers and alert them to products that could cause injury or even death.”
Under the CPSC’s jurisdiction, products that pose fire, electrical, chemical or mechanical hazards will be visible and searchable on the new website. The site will help consumers make educated decisions before they buy products. It will also provide consumers up to date information regarding mandated recalls. In a typical month, the CPSC issues 40 product safety alerts.
The new website will also allow consumers to report unsafe products immediately. “Everything from ingestion, suffocation, and strangulation hazards for infants to household fire and fall hazards, the website will provide a way for consumers to report their concerns,” said Alston, who has more than 11 years of experience counseling clients on their serious injury claims and rights. “Every consumer will want to utilize this resource for the latest on how to protect themselves and their family.”
Serious injury cases involve complex legal and insurance matters. With the number of unsafe consumer products such as power tools, toys, cribs, household chemicals, and appliances, consumers need prompt legal attention. The Disability Law Firm will provide a free consultation and give honest, unbiased advice.

Robert developed a passion for helping people at a young age. His parents instilled in him the importance of taking care of family and friends, no matter the need. Robert’s Dad, a WWII Vet, provided for his family working with cattle and in citrus harvesting. Working alongside of his dad, Robert learned to appreciate the value of hard work, doing a job well, and the importance of helping others.