Posts Tagged ‘Social Security Administration’
Social Security Administration to Implement Major Changes to Disability Insurance
The beneficiary rolls of the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program are increasing rapidly, as is public and legislative scrutiny over the process. The Social Security Administration (SSA) is making major changes. A recent article on the Wall Street Journal’s blog outlines six changes currently underway for the SSDI. Occupations: When considering an applicant for SSDI,…
Read MoreReallocate Payroll Taxes to Shore Up Social Security Disability Trust Fund
In American politics, partisan gridlock is the norm. It is therefore not terribly surprising that Congress has so far delayed reforming Social Security for retirees. After all, reforms to extend the program’s solvency would require increases to payroll taxes, cuts to benefits, or both – all politically toxic proposals. And the program’s trust fund is…
Read MoreSSI and SSDI Could be Revamped
The Social Security Administration is working on new initiatives that could cut down on wasteful overpayments, disincentives to work and costly labor time to investigate payments. The Work Incentives Simplification Pilot is a legislative proposal being considered by Congress that could replace well-intentioned but complicated laws meant to incentivize disability beneficiaries to return to work.…
Read MoreSocial Security Administration Commissions Independent Study of Judges Deciding Appeals
Federal administrative law judges who hear Social Security Disability appeals have widely ranging records that may indicate unfairness in the appeals process. The Social Security Administration is commissioning a review of the entire disability system to make sure it is not awarding benefits to those who do not deserve it and to make sure the…
Read MoreTrue Diagnosis and Legal Representation Key to Social Security Disability Benefits
Social Security disability benefits can be difficult to get. The application process can be time consuming and is heavy on paperwork. Many individuals with signs of pain and fatigue wonder if they can get Social Security disability insurance (SSDI). There are some critical steps to increase your chances of successfully winning your claim with the…
Read MoreZephyrhills Attorney Helps Increase Chances of Getting Social Security Disability Income
Zephyrhills, Fla. – Social Security disability insurance is set to pay out close to $124 billion in 2011. Because of the limited resources of the Social Security Administration and the high volume of applicants, a staggering 60 percent of applicants are denied. And when individuals appeal for reconsideration, 80 percent are denied. “With these discouraging…
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