
Social Security Disability Benefits Help Children with Debilitating Conditions

Most people think of disability benefits if they are unable to work. But for parents of children with ...

Drop Side Crib Ban Takes Effect in 2011 Due to Serious Injuries and Death

Tampa, Fla. - By June of this year, drop side cribs will be banned. Manufacturers will have to ...

Zephyrhills Attorney Helps Increase Chances of Getting Social Security Disability Income

Zephyrhills, Fla. - Social Security disability insurance is set to pay out close to $124 billion in 2011. ...

New Florida Laws and Fines Proposed for 2011 to Combat Texting While Driving

Zephyrhills, Fla. - Public sentiment and the media are revving up the need to ban texting while driving ...

The Basics Of PIP

Here in Florida, owners of motor vehicles must carry a minimum of $10,000 of Personal Injury Protection, or ...

SSDI Claims Up During Economic Downturn

We are living in tough times, to be sure. The number of Social Security Disability Insurance, or SSDI, ...

Differences between SSDI and SSI

When people talk about getting “disability benefits,” what do they mean? Both Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and ...